ICARUS: Alien Vanguard Patch level for MAP28 to solve a co-op problem with a non-repeatable door at the entrance to the room with the yellow key. To use, simply add this WAD file name on the command line or in the list of WADs used with ICARUS.WAD. In multiplayer mode, both (or all) of the players must use this patch. Be sure ICAR28A.WAD is specified AFTER the ICARUS.WAD, so it can replace the level in ICARUS.WAD. Example use: ICARUS ICAR28A.WAD << Uses ICARUS.BAT normally, and adds the patch DOOM2 -FILE ICARUS.WAD ICAR28A.WAD << same thing but full command line If you use DM.EXE that comes with DOOM2 for multiplayer or as a general front-end, just specify ICARUS.WAD and then ICAR28A.WAD on consecutive lines of the (F3) WADs screen. Patch provided by and supported by TeamTNT, creators of Icarus, Final DOOM, Bloodlands and Grievance (as of this writing). http://www.neosoft.com/~teamtnt or email to teamtnt@neosoft.com [file date 25 Dec 1996 -- Merry Christmas]